Category Archives: Humour

Fun stuff

Julian Beever – the Pavement Picasso

Pavement 3D-art by Julian BeeverI just found this homepage with some really cool 3D-art drawings drawn right on the pavement by the artist Julian Beever, aka the Pavement Picasso.

Julian Beever is an English, Belgium-based chalk artist who creates chalk drawings on pavement that create the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the right location. These trompe-l’oeil drawings are created using a projection called anamorphism and appear to defy the laws of perspective.

I also found some really cool street paintings by Kurt Wenner at his homepage.

Crop circle of Firefox prove intelligent alien life?

The only thing missing, a Mozilla Firefox crop circle, has been made.

Firefox Crop CircleOn Saturday, August 12 the Firefox marketing bug, bug #347226 about creating a Firefox crop cirle, was solved by the Oregon State University Linux Users Group, when they descended on a field in Oregon and made a 4 000+ square meter crop circle of Firefox (with a diameter of about 67 meters). Some photos and an article about this event is available, and they’re worth checking out.

“Vanskelig” Æon Flux oppgave

Note: this post is only available in Norwegian

Æon Flux oppgaveDette mÃ¥ være en av de “vanskeligste” oppgavene jeg har sett. Tatt fra gratis bladet Videonytt 2006-03. Legg merke til svaralternativene i oppgave 3, ganske “oppfinnsome” etternavn. :-) Siden disse oppgavene var sÃ¥ “vanskelige” var jeg nødt til Ã¥ sende inn mitt svarforslag, det kan jo umulig være sÃ¥ mange andre som har svart pÃ¥ disse oppgavene…
Et bilde sier som kjent mer enn tusen ord… (klikk pÃ¥ bildet for Ã¥ se en større versjon).